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1. The goal is really to put a million of these frontline health workers on the ground in the next four years by the end of the period where we’re measuring progress against the Millennium Development Goals.

by the end of到…为止
例句:He had finished his great works by the end of 1980.
到1980年底, 他已完成了他的巨著。

2. The U.S. is already heavily involved in training health workers through its development agency, USAID, and the National Institutes of Health.

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:The vast masses there have become involved in the health campaign.

3. Training and funding would also come from major corporations and other donor countries.

come from来自,源出;产自
例句:From this area come most of our best potatoes.

4. And at the end of the day we are going to see families united, children going to school, children growing up to maturity because they’re not going to die because of diseases that could be prevented if we had health workers.

at the end of在…结尾,在…末端
例句:At the end of his speech, the crowd caught alight and began cheering wildly.
讲在他演讲快结束的时候, 人群情绪激昂, 狂热欢呼。
grow up长大, 成熟
Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up.

5. I just watch and see helplessly because I am attending to this particular mother and there’s a child there convulsing because they have malaria or pneumonia.

attend to照料, 照顾
例句:He carefully attended to the wounded soldiers day and night.

6. Sometimes I wish I had extra hands to attend to this particular mother, but I’m not able to do so because I am the only one in the facility and they have so many patients waiting for me

wait for等待, 等候
例句:I've been waiting for the bus for half an hour.

7. Frontline Health Workers Coalition chair Mary Beth Powers describes those community health workers as heroes.

describe as描述为
例句:I should describe the attempt as a failure.

8. “They really walk the walk. And I think I’m personally, as a public health person, inspired by the service that these people provide to their communities often without a great deal of thanks, often with very low salaries or sometimes as volunteers,” she said.

a great deal of大量的
例句:A great deal of work awaits me.