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1. Four weeks later, the ICRC says it hasn't received any reason why authorities are still holding up the convoy, and due to that, they have decided to suspend its operations in central and southern Somalia.

hold up拦住, 使停顿, 耽搁
例句:Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.
due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.

2. Schaaf says the ICRC is very much concerned about the situation and called on local authorities to give a quick explanation on why they are holding trucks full of food aid.

concern about使(自己)关心…
例句:There is no need for you to concern yourself about where I was last night.
call on要求, 请求
例句:He called on his friends to help him.
full of充满
例句:Mary's heart was full of distress.

3. "Now we would like to know what the reason is for the blockade of this convoy, and we would like to have guarantees our working modalities are respected in the future, so that we can actually go on with food distribution as planned for 1.1 million people," added Schaaf.

go on with继续干, 一度中止后再继续干
例句:They went on with their basketball match in spite of the rain.

4. However, Middle Shabelle is controlled by the Islamist militant group al-Shabab, which has banned most aid groups from operating in the areas under its control.

ban from禁止
例句:They were banned from attending.

5. The drought has eased in recent months thanks to improved rains, but insecurity remains high in the south, where Kenyan forces who entered Somalia in October are fighting frequent battles with al-Shabab.

thanks to幸亏, 多亏, 由于
例句:Thanks to your help, we were successful.
由于你的帮助, 我们得以成功。