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1. If humans are responsible for speeding the climate change currently underway, it may not be the first time.

be responsible for是...的原由
例句:The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance.

2. Scientists say a long time ago in Central Africa, early farmers may have contributed to the disappearance of rainforests.

contribute to促成
例句:Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.

3. “The onset of agriculture had already an impact on the environment, whereas in Africa, I guess because there have been (a lot fewer ) studies done, the link was not very clear,” he said.

have an impact on对…有影响;对…起作用,产生效果
例句:The book had a great impact on its readers.

4. So, it’s only after about 4,000 years ago that the climate started to become dryer and of course the vegetation responded to this climate change

respond to对…有某种反应〔感觉, 表现〕
例句:She responded to the news by bursting into tears.

5. And we need to take something else into account

take into account考虑到;体谅
例句:They had to take the baby into account when they wanted to go out.

6. It shows that the key factor for introducing agriculture into the rainforest was the establishment of this more pronounced seasonality.

introduce into引进; 插入
例句:Tea was introduced into Europe from Asia.

7. That in turn exposed the land to erosion and resulted in the telltale sediment at the mouth of the Congo River.

result in导致,结果是
例句:The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.

8. It’s now known that agriculture contributes to carbon emissions and that trees help trap that carbon and keep it from the atmosphere.

keep from阻止; 免于
例句:Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.