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1. More than 200 thousand car accessory products, ranging from GPS devices, car audio-visual systems to seat covers and care products, are now on display.

range from从...变化到...
例句:Prices range from £6 to £10.
on display展出
例句:Her paintings are on display at the art gallery.

2. You can drive your car onto a board fixed on the floor, push the button on a key-sized remote, then a wind and water proof mantle will rise upwards and stretch from the front to cover your car.

fix on把…固定住
例句:The tail won't come off the toy plane; it is fixed on with nails.
玩具飞机的机尾掉不下来, 它是用钉子钉住的。

3. Our product is aimed at car owners who have open-air personal parking slots, yet they try to protect their cars from harmful weather such as sandstorms, which are commonly seen in northeastern China.

aim at (以…)瞄准; 针对, 以…为目标
例句:The visit was aimed at expanding the relations between the two countries.

4. It is said that the mantle can fend off wind, sand and water erosion effectively.

fend off挡开;避开
例句:The politician fended off the question.

5. Another eye-catching exhibit involves a red Volkswagen beetle which has its car seats, steering wheel and rear view mirror, all wrapped up in colorful spotty covers with lace decoration

wrap up包裹, 包扎
例句:He wrapped up the parcel.

6. The cover can be easily changed at your pleasure. It gives you a more pleasant driving experience by dressing up your vehicle on the inside.

dress up打扮, 梳理, 粉饰, 伪装
例句:You can dress these old chair up in new covers.

7. Mr. Huang says there is now a strong need for individually designed products among automotive customers, so instead of focusing on the quality of the seat covers, the company is now providing personalized customization services to let customers design the covers for themselves

instead of(用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…
例句:We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.
focus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意
例句:Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.