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1. The current stipulation states that those who are insured for damage shall be compensated only when they are at fault and that compensation is proportional to the relative liability.

at fault有错, 有责任
例句:In my opinion both of the drivers were at fault.
在我看来, 两位司机都有责任。

2. The Assistant Chief Judge of Nanjing People's Court, Xing Jiadong, says the clause conflicts with existing national laws.

conflict with与...冲突
例句:Their opinion on the matter conflicts with ours.

3. This clause tends to mitigate the insurance company's responsibility by excluding insurance holders' rights. This clause s is not legally binding according to our national laws.

tend to易于; 倾向
例句:My grandmother tends to go to bed early every day.
bind to把…捆绑在…上; 安排…; 迫使(某人)遵守〔服从〕(规章, 命令等)
例句:The contract binds me to complete the work within two months.

4. Insurance experts say the modification is subversive to insurance companies as it requires them to pay for their consumers' wants and needs.

pay for为…付钱
例句:I have to pay 150 dollars for the sewing machine.

5. However, the compensation is based on actual value.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

6. Insurance expert Pan Hao points out that there are still loopholes in the proposed legislation.

point out指出
例句:He pointed out that there was little chance of success.

7. Actually, insurance companies can sort out all similar cases by saying the insured drove in wet conditions, a move that could be seriously detrimental to the insured's financial interests."

sort out分类, 整理
例句:We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones.