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1. One year after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, U.S. energy experts are drawing critical lessons from that country's ordeal, especially since the Pacific coast of the United States and Canada is prone to the same kind of earthquake.

draw from从…得到;从…中推断(或推论)
例句:The moral to be drawn from this story is that keeping faith is best.
prone to倾向于
例句:Mother is prone to headaches.

2. But the twin disasters also wreaked havoc on the region’s energy and transportation systems, and created an extra measure of hardship for residents and emergency aid workers.

wreak havoc肆虐;造成严重破坏
例句:The earthquake wreaked havoc on the city.

3. Tokyo University earthquake researcher Kenji Satake explored the Japanese quake zone last year, after the initial emergency response had wound down.

wind down使逐步缩减(以便结束);逐步结束,趋于尾声
例句:We should not wind down our business in Shanghai.

4. Those collateral effects are very much on the mind of Althea Rizzo, hazards coordinator at Oregon's Emergency Management Office, where planning is under way for a major quake and tsunami as powerful as those last year in Japan.

under way已经开始并进行着
例句:The yearly campaign to raise funds for the Red Cross is already under way.

5. According to Kidd, the BP pipeline is designed to shut down automatically in a megaquake.

shut down完全关闭,倒闭,停止运转
例句:The factory was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.

6. Kidd says speedy restoration of fuel supplies after a quake would depend on other damaged structures and services being repaired, such as collapsed bridges, severed roads and, especially, electric power outages.

depend on取决于; 随…而定
例句:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.

7. "I am much more concerned about the high voltage power system throughout the Northwest and then obviously the lower voltages that feed down and get to us and run our pump stations along the line," he says.

be concerned about关心,挂念
例句:She is concerned about your safety.

8. He says that, based on past disasters, there's one thing to remember about the inevitable shortages of fuel: people won't need as much of it for a while.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

9. "For example, the same snowstorm/ice storm that takes out supply of fuel also takes the roads out," Anderson says, "people can't drive from place to place."

take out把…带出去; 清除, 除掉; 获取, 办理
例句:Mary and John took out a marriage license.