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1. The real estate market in big cities in particular is heading for a downward trend in prices.

head for朝…进发
例句:It looks as if the firm is heading for another record year.

2. A recent report by Standard & Poor's predicts the credit ratings of more Chinese real estate companies will be downgraded within the next six months due to increasing refund risks, and that China's housing prices will drop 10 percent by June on a yearly basis.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.

3. At a press conference after the end of this year's National People's Congress annual session, Premier Weng Jiabao said housing prices were still "far from falling back to a reasonable level."

fall back后退, (对方因被击败而)退却
例句:The crowd fell back to let the doctor through.

4. Premier Wen pointed out that a reasonable housing price should be in line with a buyer's income and construction cost and profit.

point out指出; 把注意力引向…
例句:He pointed out that there was little chance of success.
in line with跟…一致, 符合,按照
例句:The new proposal is in line with our general line.

5. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics indicate that new home prices in all 70 cities stopped increasing in January as a result of the government's persistent cooling efforts.

as a result of由于…的结果
例句:He was injured as a result of boiler explosion.

6. The government should encourage real estate developers to build more houses to drive down housing prices thorough competition rather than control measures.

drive down压低
例句:The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits.