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1. In an audio montage of memories from refugees, the sounds of gunfire and explosions mix with crying babies.

mix with (使)与…混〔结〕合
例句:We must mix work with adequate rest.

2. "All it takes is wisdom and I am absolutely sure we can get it back into the box and bind the chains and lock the locks," she said.

get back回到…上来
例句:Things will not get back to normal soon after the earthquake.

3. A new project Mohamed is working on is called "Harbor: Survivors Among Us."

work on致力于…
例句:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.
近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。

4. He says he wants to be here to impact discussions taking place at the center of U.S. political power.

take place发生; 举行
例句:The threatening strike did not take place after all.

5. Ryan Brenner, a student activist and political science undergraduate at George Washington University, met him last year while he was staging a hunger strike across the White House to draw attention to the situation in the border regions between Sudan and South Sudan.

draw attention to吸引注意力
例句:The article was intended to draw attention to the situation in Cambodia.

6. Mohamed discussed with Brenner setting up a fingerprint event as a way to bring diverse people together to discuss issues such as borders, immigration and justice.

set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.