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It might not launch a thousand shapes, but this is the face that won the titled 'Britain's most natural beauty. 18-year-old Florence Colgate's face is considered almost to flawless. It's perfectly symmetrical with large eyes, full lips and high-cheek bones.

I had to send a picture, just wearing like no-make-up, and then, from them I got a call say I got through and into the top 5 of 8000 people.  It is just unbelievable, I just, I understand no expects to get this far at all.

Britain's Most Natural Beauty

The competition wasn't just about subjective beauty, it was settled with science. researchers say the distances between facial features, and width and length of the face are deciding factors for perfection.

And Colgate's scored very close to the ideal.

I think, I just light up my face, and just say may I don't really see like sciences, it's just yours.

Colgate works part time at a local Fish Chip shop. But she says a new found fame doesn't seem to have made her more popular with customers.

I haven't really noticed obviously your regular people to come in every week, but not really. I think it's obvious, I don't know. um, I think, it's still, it's a business of fish and chip shop any way.

Colgate plans to study business management at University unless of course, a lucrative modeling contract shows its face.

Tower Kellery Reuters.