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Many people come to the conference in hopes of learning new wealth management strategies, seeking groundbreaking financial markets. However, in a change from the norm, at the 8th Beijing International Financial Conference, agricultural enterprises are a focus for many.

In recent years, the prices of some agricultural products, such as garlic and ginger, saw huge hikes, and other vegetables took serious cuts, causing farmers to fret about their future.

In order to alleviate the concerns of farmers, some financial institutions are playing an important role in this field. Li Yingchun, general manager of China United Insurance, explains.

"We've developed various insurance products based on the demand of farmers, such as insurance for wheat, paddy rice and cotton and pig husbandry. Farmers will be able to benefit from this insurance, and these companies play a very important role in stabilizing the prices of agricultural products in the market."

According to some financial institutions, petty loans to individual farmers also look to be on the increase. Here is Wang Hong, expert from the Beijing Capital Group Company, a Beijing-based transactions and financial advisory firm.

"We met a farmer in Pinggu district in Beijing, he needed a small amount of money for capital during the harvest. However, these banks could not give him loan. So, we gave him the loan after doing research about his financial situation, his credit and so on."

Apart from loans to individuals, many financial institutions are paying more attention to small and micro businesses, which have great potential. Here is Wang Hong again.

"These small businesses meet the market trends and demands; they should have great potential for development."

Media reports say that there are nearly 300,000 registered medium, small and micro businesses in Beijing. And the growth of these companies will become easier with the support from financial institutions.

And investors with long-term sight make the development of small businesses faster and healthier. Xu Zhe, vice president of the Beijing State-owned Assets Management Company, has more.

"There are already more than 10,000 medium and small sized businesses that have benefited from support from financial institutions. The accumulated amount of loan guarantees have reached more than a hundred billion yuan."

As for these financial institutions, what they also need to do is to help the medium and small businesses to get on the right track with their expertise in investment.

For CRI, I am Zhang Wan.