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The Chinese leadership has outlined 6 major economic policies moving forward.

The top leaders are vowing to keep the country's macroeconomic policies stable, while at the same time, making them more effective.

The government is also planning to increase social security levels for people living in both urban and rural areas.

Xiang Zuosong is the Chief Economist of the Agricultural Bank of China.

"Our economy is moving toward domestic consumption. But how do we kick-start the demand? I think the key is to balance opportunities in education, Medicare and social security. A long term incentive mechanism also needs to be established."

Xiang also says the government needs to focus more on folding this country's migrant workers more deeply into society.

"One of the first issues to be addressed is incorporating migrant workers into urban welfare system. Let them have the same entitlements for education and other social securities guarantees as their urban counterparts."

The Chinese leadership is also promising to boost domestic demand and optimize investment.

Among the other promises is the further promotion of science and technology, more industry consolidation and an increase in urbanization reform.