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Father of a sixth grader in east China's Zhejiang Province outsourced his daughter's homework to nine of his employees, causing one of them to complain to the local newspaper.

This unhappy worker, who is surnamed Chen said it took three days to finish the work. He stayed up late for two nights. The girl was quite demanding. She only needed to do one of the four options but insisted on doing them all, without getting herself involved in any way.

Students are asked to follow their parents to their home towns and either draw a picture, create a video, take photographs or write an essay about the changes over the past decades.

Chen is a professional photographer. So he was in charge of taking the pictures.

For other workers, one of them was drafted for the video, another for the essay. One person uploaded the work on to the school website. And the company driver transported the team around town.


"Honestly, I think the father is not doing his job. Without his permission, how could the 12-year-old ask his employees to do anything? He's supposed to do this homework with her daughter."

"Nobody thinks there is problem with the homework itself? I mean, to look into the changes of past decades? Come on, the students are merely teenagers!"

"Another way of looking at it is that, while the girl may not be able to draw a pretty picture, she has been able to practice skills that are far more widely used in adult life - namely management and delegation."