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The thousands of volunteers at China's 12th National Games in Liaoning make up an eclectic group.

Some are young, and some are old.

Some are sports fanatics, and others can't tell a ping pong ball from a golf ball.

But these volunteers share a common pride in the Liaoning games and a desire to help make this year's competition one of the best ever.

The organizing committee recruited about 300,000 volunteers for the quadrennial event.

Dalian, the host city for events like hockey and kayaking, recruited over 7,000 volunteers alone.

A large percentage of the volunteers are local college students, like 20 year old Wang Dan, who signed up for the experience.

I liked doing volunteer work back in school to welcome freshmen. This gives me a chance to meet athletes, and make friends, and have college experience.

It's not easy being a volunteer. The job requires some long hours and flexibility.

One minute a volunteer might be asked to help carry heavy equipment and the next minute they're dressing up like Ning Ning the seal, this year's mascot, and waving at guests.

The venue volunteers perhaps have the most difficult job.

They work longer hours and are required to maintain a high-energy level and cheerful face as they interact with athletes, spectators, and media.

Liu Denghui has been volunteering for over a month now, and he spends a lot of time on his feet assisting others.

"My duties are to greet people. Help people with their luggage. When people smile it makes me happy."

The director of the Media Center, Zheng Dajun, is proud of the efforts being exerted by his team of volunteers.

"Very good. They work hard. They take their work seriously. They are all sophomores in college. They are trained for a while. They work everywhere from canteen, guest rooms, and village reception room.

A lot of the volunteers said they are hoping for a chance to brush shoulders with some of China's elite athletes, like badminton champion Lin Dan or swimming sensation Sun Yang.

Others are just thrilled to meet famous sports journalists.

I met a lot of famous guys, but they all work for CCTV5, we took a group photo.

Other volunteers, particularly those from Liaoning, are pitching in because they want to contribute to an effort that is benefiting their province.

Local volunteer, Zhang Jingqiao, says she's terrible at sports herself and doesn't even like watching competitions that much, but she enjoys watching how athletics is helping her city.

The National Games will give Liaoning a boost when it comes to economic development. Helps Chinese people know Liaoning and people around the province.

Many of the volunteers do receive a small salary, but even so, they have the volunteer spirit.

They were the first to arrive, and the 2013 Liaoning volunteers will be the last to leave after the games wrap up on September 12.

For CRI, I'm Jordan Lee.