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As the clock struck midnight in Washington the deadline was passed and Republicans and Democrats in the House continued to shift blame on one another.

The government shutdown could potentially last days instead of weeks if both sides sought a strategy to bring the parties together, but the situations seem grim.

Speaker of the House John Boehner, a Republican, shared his party's side.

"The House has made its position known very clearly. We believe that we should fund the government and we think there ought to be basic fairness for all Americans under Obamacare. The Senate has continued to reject our offers. But under the Constitution, there is a way to resolve this process, and that is to go to conference and talk through your differences. And I would hope that the Senate would accept our offer to go to conference and discuss this so we can resolve this for the American people."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, responds.

"It now appears that Congress is not going to do anything to keep the government from shutting down. They've got some jerry-rigged thing about going to conferences. Madam President it is embarrassing that these people who are elected to represent the country are representing the Tea Part- the anarchists of the country and the majority of the Republicans in the House are following every step of the way."

At the heart of the shutdown is President Obama's healthcare law.

Many Republicans see this as a chance to repeal the law before it goes into effect with some Republican officials refusing to vote to fund the government unless Obamacare is repealed or defunded.

In fact the shutdown was spearheaded by Tea Party conservatives united in their desire to peel back Obamacare.

Meanwhile, Democrats and the Obama administration are unwilling to waver on the law which is arguably their biggest achievement in the past 5-years.

Social security as well as the post office will still operate during the shutdown, however national parks will close, medical research projects will stall, and up to 1-million workers will be forced to go on unpaid leave.

In an address to US military troops President Barack Obama promised he would push Congress to re-open the government as soon as possible.

He also opened up on what happens next for the military.

"Those of you in uniform will remain on your normal duty status. The threats to our national security have not changed, and we need you to be ready for any contingency."

Peaceful negotiation between both parties seems unlikely at this point with each unwilling to bend to the other's demands.

For CRI, I'm Marc Cavigli.