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A day of distraction for Ed Miliband. He obviously wanted the labor conference to focus on his new policy announcements on the minimum wage, on apprenticeship and immigration. But instead, Day 1 of the conference began with an angry backlash against his plans to loosen the links between Labor and the Trade Unions.

-We are proud of who we are and what we have achieved on our way of social justice. We are certainly not going to accept any advice on democracy and transparency from the people who brought us the cash for honours scandals.

A sign of trouble ahead for Mr. Miliband.

Inside the hall, it's the future of Labor's links with the Trade Unions that's stirring up controversy. But outside the hall it's the shocking revelations by Damian McBride about feuds, plots and smears that is alarming the delegates here.

Mr. Mcbride,Golden Brown's former spin doctor has admitted in his memoirs destroying the labor leadership ambition of  Blair Weighs, John Reid and Charles Clock, and smearing another minister Yvonne Louise.

-Everyone is fed up. It just turned firms(?) up. No one wants politics what it is about, what it is meant to be about, the big issue. I think the else should be concentrating.

-People like to sell books, don't they? But I don't think it's helpful to conduct yourself in that way at all.

-I think it's a real shame that our politics has come to this. And our politics doesn't seem to be about actually debating issues any more and seems to be about listening to(?) a clash of personalities.

The Labour leader who is also formerly in the brown in a circle found himself being interrogated about Mr. McBride.

-I was concerned about the activities of Damian McBride and indeed I complained to Gordon Brown .

-What did you know that he was doing when you complained?

-I was worried that there were indications in his brief against colleagues.You know how it is in politics people, people tell you the things that are going on and you have enough suspicion as they are.so that was something I made clear to Gordon. I haven't thought it was damaging to the Labour Party.

-Did you go to Golden Brown and say,get rid of this guy?

-I did, yes.

Others close to Golden Brown will also challenge about what they knew about Mr. McBride.

-We know he did know and work with your husband Exchequer Chancellor and did Mr McBride ever come around your house?


-Not once, not ever?

Labour now hopes to kick on from the distraction of day 1 of its conference onto the economy. And Ed Balls will be hoping he doesn't fall flat on his face again.