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- He's here to play our game, "Buy or Sell." Nice to see you, Matt.

- Nice to see you.

- What a crazy week in tech. OK. You were weary of Facebook IPO.


- But how concerned are you about Twitter?

-Well, you know, I'm kind of torn on Twitter because it's pricing between $17 and $20 a share. As you said, you and I are not getting that share. That's for big institutional investors.


-Once this opens for trading, they're saying possibly November 6th, it probably opens at $30, $40, even higher. So as the individual investor, I don't run out and buy at that price because typically one *** coming public, it does pull back the next couple of weeks. We saw that in Facebook. It fell 50 percent before it actually bottomed down.

- Right. So we don't know what's going to happen there. I mean you could buy, you could sell it. Let it have a little bit of a trend.

- I think -- yes, yes, exactly.

- Let it sell back. OK, $930 a share. This is amazing. That's going to -- the most expensive iPad air. What you will not get for the price of an iPad Air is the price of this. Look at that, $1,000 for Google shares. What do you think about Google?

-You know, I look at this chart and I'm kind of overwhelmed like the way five year -- I should obviously have been buying it about six months ago.

- I mean, for a lot of people, that looks like a sell. Wow. Look at that huge run-up, you know?

- I'm going to override you here. I'm going to drop in and say --

- OK.

- I still think this is a buy. I may not buy Monday morning. But at some point you're going to have a week where it pulls back a little bit.

- Why? Why do you still like it, the fundamental --

- You still have amazing growth. You have a four P.E. ratio of below 20. And Google is everything. They have self-driving cars. They have search -- I mean, they are really the company that controls the world in my mind. I want to have a piece of Google in my portfolio.

- All right. You're on the record there. Where are you on the record for Apple? I mean you look at this one. So people are counting out Apple down here.

- Yes.

-This had a nice run here. Carl Icahn, the activist investor, one of the reasons why this stock I think has been going up. People know he's interested. Also, they've had some good product launches lately.

- They have. And you also look and where we were from the start of the year, we're actually unchanged throughout the year. When you have Microsoft and some of the other big names up for 35 percent. Apple is actually unchanged. I think to me this is extremely bullish pattern. It's coming back up. I think we see this level up there and I hold that a buy.

- All right. He gives Apple a buy right there. Let's up the last one here. Netflix, even the CEO.  Even the CEO is saying hey, don't get so excited about my stock. What do you think about Netflix?

- Well, if the CEO is telling me not to be excited, I'm not going to be that excited either. This stock is up over 230 percent this year. I mean, that's one of the best looking charts. To me, if it comes back down around 200 or so --

- You're going buy that.

-But, you know, right now, if I'm owning this, I'm selling the stock right there.