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More information on the federal government levying a multi-million-dollar fine against General Motors for covering up that ignition, faulty ignition defect, that in the end those faulty ignition switches killed 13 people. Rene Martha is in Washington with more on the story. What's the fine?

Well, we now know that it is the maximum penalty possible, Carole, 35 million dollars. We were just talking about this a short time ago, you said, you know, is it anywhere between 10 to 15 million enough? So, now we know it's 35 million, and we also now know that is the maximum penalty that they could levy against GM for their failure to act quickly as far as recalling the Chevy Cobalt. Also within this bulletin that we just received from the Department of Transportation, they are urging support for their mission to get congress to pass what's called The GROW AMERICA Act, which would essentially increase this sort of penalties from the maximum of 35 million to a maximum of 300 million.