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BP无视欧美对俄制裁 与俄石油巨头签署页岩油开采协议


Q:You thought it was important to come to St. Petersburg, why is that? Because the stake you have in Rosneft and not to try to stay away from Russia when it needs a support?

A:Well, I think we have a significant stake in Rosneft and I am on the board of Rosneft, we have bussiness. This is important. So I think it was important to come, I also think it's very important to come, to watch and listen, to be able to sense 'where were things  going?'. It's an enormous investment for BP, and I think I have responsibility to be here, and be part of listening as well as our own business here in Russia.

Q:Do you think that stage 3 of the sanctions, this idea that you got financial sanctions on Russia would be not only a mistake to ratchet up tensions but also could be a contagion to the global economy? How do you see this as a businessman?

A:Well, I think, I hope that short term political decisions can have unintended consequences that can spread and move in unintended ways and I hope those that are thinking about these things actually think through step 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and how it could affect the world. I think it's something for careful thought and reflection. Again, I have no special insight on what might happen.

Q:But the White House intensified this debate in St. Petersburg by asking CEOs, particularly American CEOs, to avoid Russia right now, what do you make of that?

A:Well, I think this signal being sensed in both sides, and no one contacted me, I thank cause ours is a large British oil company. I know, I've heard of such things, but for us, we are the largest investment in Russia. I think I would do something I need to and I have responsibility to stand with partners during difficult times, and of course, we got a lot of interests as well.

Q:The game-changing deal in China, does it suggest that Russia can go East and West? It's 400 billion dollars over 30 years over CNPC.

A: I think it's a natural revolution of order direction anyway. There's a huge amount of resources in Russia. There's a huge amount of demand in China. That's only gonna grow, and I think this is only a matter of time for that was gonna happen.