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Germany's footballers have paraded the World Cup trophy to hundreds of thousands of jubilant supporters in Berlin. Half a million people lined the streets close to the iconic Brandenburg Gate to welcome the victorious team home. The BBC's Steve Evans was there to witness it and says the fact that this was the first time a unified Germany won the trophy made the occasion extra-special.


It is resonating. There's absolutely no doubt about that. And if you, and if you look at some of the portrait papers, they are making grand theories about how, this established Germany as a, as a first great nation if you like, in other words, that the football has spilled over from the pitch and is affecting politics. But I have to say, if you talk to the fans and put that theory to them, they'll look at you like you come from Mars, you know. It's not the way they see it. They say it's about the football; this is the first time we've won the World Cup in a united Germany, sure, but it's just a great feeling. Our team won and we are celebrating. That's the way they see it.