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I don't know how many times I've heard religion being described as childish. It's one of those uncritically accepted ideas, perhaps I should say means, that've been floating around for generations. Even many religious people seem to accept that there's something at least childlike about their faith. "Believing" in God," they sometimes say, "is a bond between human beings and an infinitely wiser power. We should trust in God just as we would a loving parent."


When they hear this, our evangelical atheists feel vindicated in their crusade. In their view, nothing could be more childish than the relationship, in which human beings are utterly dependent on a supernatural power. For these atheists, putting your trust in such an imaginary being is the essence of childishness.

Speaking as an atheist myself, I can't help smiling when I hear religion being mocked in this way. Looking at the world as it has been and continues to be at the present time, it's belief in human reason that's childish. Religious faith is based on accepting that we know very little of God, but we know a great deal about human beings, and one of the things we know for sure is that we're not rational animals. Believing in the power of human reason requires a greater leap of faith than believing in God.