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So track and field at the Commonwealth Games still really only just getting started, but the swimming has come to an end and it finished with the last in a line of big shocks on Tuesday. England beat Australia in the 4x100m medley relay. More on that from our commentator Christ Mitchell, who was watching inside the International Swimming Centre.
英联邦运动会(Commonwealth Games)上的田径项目才刚开始,但是游泳项目在本周二已经告终,但成绩惊人,英国在4x100混合接力泳上击败澳大利亚。下面由解说员克莱斯特•米切尔(Christ Mitchell)从国际游泳中心给我们发回详细报道。


Something strange is going on in the swimming pool here in Glasgow. Nothing strange about the fact that Australia ended up at the top of the medal table, 19 gold medals for them. But, it was remarkable that they got beaten by England in the medley relay, their final race of the night. Nobody could see that coming. It was also sensational that they got beaten in the men's 50 metres freestyle, Ben Proud winning that in a very quick time. These stories will send shock waves around the world of swimming. These are sorts of races that Australia and America dominate when it comes to the likes of the World Championships and the Olympics, but these English swimmers, Ben Proud and the English medley team have really put themselves on the map.
在格拉斯(Glasgow)的游泳场上,正在上演着不可思议的事情。澳大利亚最终位居奖牌榜榜首,共得19枚金牌,这毫不奇怪,但奇怪的是,澳大利亚却在当晚的最后一场比赛4X100混合接力中,被英国队击败。没人预料到会这样。更轰动的是,在男子50米自由泳上,澳大利亚也输了比赛。本(Ben Proud)非常迅速地赢得了50米赛。这些事将震惊整个世界泳坛。当国际比赛或是奥运会涉及到这些项目时,往往都是美国队和澳大利亚势在必得。而这一次,英国游泳运动员本,以及混合泳队,也就此成名。