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Late evening in an old district of Beijing and a new trend is fizzing with action; beer.

But not just any old beer, a growing number of Chinese drinkers are now demanding more than just the well-known and ordinary varieties.

Some bars are offering over two hundred imported brands, and they're now popping up all over the city.

They're fuelled by young professionals with more money to spend and increasingly sophisticated pallets to satisfy.

Luo Jing is one of the visitors here who work in advertising.


"The beer I'm drinking was recommended by the manager because I like a sweet taste. So he introduced me to this one, which has a fruity flavour, more suitable for women. That's why I'm drinking it - it tastes of mango."

This bar was opened in 2010 by Xiao Shuai(Male, Chinese). He says he sees a bright future for this type of beer in China.

"Because Chinese living standards are now relatively high, many locals want to try something new. Instead of Chinese lager, many people are now trying other imported beers, new textures, tastes. I think foreign beers are going to get even more popular in the future in China."

Beer has always been popular in China. According to a study by Japanese beer producer Kirin Holdings, the country is the world's biggest beer consumer, and has been since 2003, and the industry is growing fast. Production in China has doubled over the last ten years.
Xiao Shuai says he's planning to capitalize on this growth by producing his own craft beer

"Right now I just want to make it, not sell it. I want to create a new taste and texture. When I've perfected the technique I'll offer it to regulars for free. Once people know the brand I'll gradually start selling it."

At around $6 USD per glass, craft beer is several times more expensive than mainstream domestic brands.

Carl Setzer is the founder and brewmaster at Great Leap Brewing which runs several bars in Beijing. He says some Chinese customers think $6 USD for a beer is actually a bargain.

"A lot of our customers have taken to Chinese social media - on the Chinese demographic - and said very clearly, 'The prices are cheap, the beer is good, the boss is stupid, go quickly before it closes,' because they think we should be charging double what we're paying now".

Craft brewing is still a niche market in China, but it's definitely growing. Independent brewers here are hoping the industry won't lose its fizz anytime soon.