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Submarine was all his own work, but The Double is drawn from a Dostoyevsky story about a man displaced by a version of himself with much more fun of parties. Well, someone claiming to be Richard Ayoade came into the studio and explained that Dostoyevsky's novella was a double story out on its own.


What was interesting for me about the story in particular as opposed to other doppelgänger narratives you have is that in this, when people see The Double, they don't find it remarkable and that to me seems very funny, that no one else would be bothered by such an outlandish occurrence. It didn't feel particularly mired in a sort of 19th century world view that, the idea of identity feels very, yeah, interesting to me.

How did you achieve it? I mean how did you do it? The physical doubling, well, a lot of it is very old fashioned, no different to how George Méliès would have done it. You are not winding back the film, but you film one actor on one side of the screen and then the actor moves to the other side of the screen and films the other part. And then you just divide the screen in two. It's not David Fincher face replacement which is, I guess, the most modern way of doing it.你是怎么做到的?我是说,你是怎么拍摄电影的?让屏幕上出现两个相同的人,我用的是十分老旧的方法,和乔治·梅利埃用的方法一样。我没把胶片倒卷回去,而是先在屏幕一边对演员进行拍摄,再让演员到屏幕另一边拍摄,之后我再把屏幕一分为二。我没有用大卫·芬奇的面部替换法,这应该是最先进的方法了。