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Apple is facing a potential public-relations problem with its new iPhone.

Users have found the new iPhone 6 Plus has the potential to bend when its in people's pockets.

"Because it's going to cost me more money if it does break I'm going to have to replace it so I'd rather go with a safer option with a safer phone"

A number of new iPhone 6 Plus users have taken to Facebook and Twitter to complain their phones are bending when they're in their back pockets.


Shara Tibken, a senior writer for tech website CNET, suggests the issue is somewhat inevitable.

"There are a lot of trade-offs when you try to make something as thin as possible, with Apple the materials they used are premium materials, but in the quest to make it thinner and lighter, it also made it more flexible. The problem with this is that there could be issues with the display, there could be issues with the components getting messed up. "

So far Apple has yet to respond to the concerns being posed by iPhone 6 Plus users.