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China and Russia have signed a number of new agreements to boost energy cooperation.

The deals include a memorandum of understanding to develop a second route to supply China with Russian natural gas.

It follows the original deal signed in May worth 400 billion US dollars.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have overseen the signings, which also include a number of financing agreements.

Xi Jinping says the deals are indicative of China's solid relationship with Russia.


"No matter how the international situation changes, we are prioritizing each other in our diplomacy and continuing to work to increase our political and strategic trust so as to expand and deepen the mutually-beneficial cooperation between China and Russia."

For his part, Vladimir Putin, who is among the leaders attending this week's APEC leaders meeting in Beijing, also says he's happy with the current Sino-Russian relationship.

"The Russia-China cooperation plays a vital role on the world stage with regard to maintaining peace, safeguarding international laws and ensuring a more stable international environment. I have full confidence in the future cooperation between Russia and China."

Apart from economic deals, the two leaders also agreed that China and Russia will jointly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II next year.