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So picture, if you will, a floating interplanetary gas station somewhere else there in orbit, supplying all the passing rockets as they power off to distant constellations. Michael Sims is not for his part aiming quite to go that far yet. Along with his company Moon Express, he's merely hoping to plant a new generation of craft on our nearest and dearest space rock, the moon itself, which he believes can provide a whole array of commercial opportunities.

We're building spacecraft to land on the moon. We want to explore the moon. We wanna be a delivery service that we can actually take payloads from earth to the moon and back from the moon.

So you're doing that for, on behalf of governments, on behalf of NASA, on behalf of other national governments? What's the commercial opportunity then?

So we're doing it as a commercial entity. So if you're willing to pay for the freight in the very same way that the post office or Federal Express will take you, we'll go take your package back and forth.


Personally I have nothing I need to deliver to the moon. I'm just wondering who your clients would be.

Yeah, so governments is part. Scientific investigation is part. People that care about resources, people that care about property on the moon or elsewhere.

Are there people interested in property on the moon?

Yes, so there is an interest in the legal rights of people to own property of moon. People are interested in that. People are interested in having their ashes placed on the moon.