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The State of New York is poised to enact one of the toughest gun-control laws ever passed in the United States. The Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement or SAFE Act was passed in January. It's expected to come into force later this month. It includes a provision requiring mental health professionals to report patients who they think are likely to harm themselves or others. Now that provision is causing alarm and anger among healthcare professionals who say only 4% of violent crimes are actually caused by mental illness. Our correspondent Paul Adams has been finding out more.


Late January, just a month after the killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and an audience applauds as New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo puts his name to some of the country's toughest gun laws.

"People who are mentally ill should not have access to guns. That's common sense."

Mental illness has clearly been at the centre of some of the country's most notorious mass shootings. But might something that sounds so eminently reasonable come with a price?