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As the gun debate continues in the US, the one American company has created a blue print to create gun parts using a 3D printer. A group called defense distributed has released instruction that anyone can download that explains how to use a 3D printer to make a AR15, the part of a semi-automatical rifle that ordinarily requires legal permission to own. 3D printers use a process called additive manufacturing to make objects from a digital model by laying down layers of material. Today’s affordable 3D printers are used to make simple items like key chains and logos.

In the wake of new town Conneticut elementary school shooting in which 20 children were gone down, anti-gun violent advocates say the prospect of duplicating illegal weapon is alarming. The AR15 information has already been downloaded more than 10,000 times since it was made available on February 25th.

“We will have the reality of a weapon system that can be printed out on your desk. Anywhere there is a computer, there is a weapon.”

The founder of the company says the goal of the release of the information is to “teach people practical anarchy.”