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高管不作为 巨额资产付东流


But first today a US Senate report has torn into the investment bank JP Morgan over the colossal losses it made during the so-called London Whale trade fiasco last year. The report by the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations presents a damning review of the largest bank in the United States and its senior management. It says they ignored risks, misled investors, fought with regulators and attempted to bend the rules as the crisis grew and the losses mounted. It describes how senior managers at JP Morgan were warned for months about the bad derivative bets which ended up costing the bank $6.2 billion but they did little or nothing to stop them. The report has yet more bad news for the institution long regarded by many as just about the safest, best managed, and most reputable bank in the United States. Well, the BBC's Samira Hussain has been following the story. And Samira, this report is not the end of the story, is it?

高管不作为 巨额资产付东流

No, it's not. And it was indeed a scathing report. More than 300 pages, it went on to talk about how traders were gambling billions of dollars in high-risk, complex trades and that several bank managers knew about them but only disclosed them to federal regulators when the losses drew rather intense attention.