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Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Beijing early this morning and got down to business straightaway. After a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People, premiers of the two countries held a closed-door meeting.

The two leaders later described their exchange as a "candid, constructive and friendly" one when they met the press.

Premier Li Keqiang says the rise of China and India will set the direction of growth for the entire region.

"The acceleration of modernization of China and India will produce a double-engine for Asia. The coming of a real century of Asia has to depend on whether China and India, the two most populous nations in the world, can overcome our difficulties and realize our targets of modernization and improve the lives of our peoples."


Li says that the two countries have the political maturity to put aside their differences and work towards achieving common goals like crushing terrorism and enhancing regional stability.

"We do not deny the existence of differences between China and India. However, our common interests are far bigger than our differences. Both sides have enough political wisdom to manage and control the differences. We will not let the differences affect the development of our overall relationship."

For his part, Prime Minister Modi says that the sides have agreed to intensify confidence-building measures on the border issue.

"On the boundary question, we agreed that we continue to explore a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable resolution. We both reiterated our strong commitment to make all efforts to maintain peace and tranquility in the border region."

The Indian Prime minister received rousing applause when he addressed students at the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing.

He also attended a demonstration of Yoga and Tai Chi along with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Temple of Heaven. This event was symbolic of the strong cultural exchange that has existed for thousands of years via the ancient Silk Road.

For CRI I'm Poornima Weerasekara.