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希拉里任职期间 首批296封电邮公布


The U.S. State Department has published 296 emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server.

Those emails were sent and received in the aftermath of the attacks three years ago on an American diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, which killed four Americans.

Clinton had asked for an earlier release of those emails.

希拉里任职期间 首批296封电邮公布

"In fact, the State Department has the vast majority of those anyway because they went to what are called .gov accounts. I'm aware that the FBI has asked that a portion of one email be held back. That happens in the process of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) responses. But that doesn't change the fact that all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately."

The nearly 300 emails are part of the 30,000 that Clinton turned over to the State Department from her private account.