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Ireland has become the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote.

CRI's London correspondent Duan Xuelian has more.

The result was announced in Dublin on Saturday.

62% of Irish came out in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage, with 38% of voters against the proposal.

More than 60% of registered voters took part in this historic vote.


The Irish Prime Minister joined celebrations in Dublin after the result was announced to cheering crowds.

Enda Kenny said Ireland is sending a big message for equality around the world.

"With today's vote we have disclosed who we are. A generous, compassionate bold and joyful people. Yes to inclusion, yes to love, yes to equal marriage."

LGBT rights have come a long way in Ireland.

Homosexuality was only decriminalized in 1993 and civil partnerships for same-sex couples were recognized in 2010.

Now, with the referendum passed, same-sex couples will be entitled to full constitutional protection.

Frances Fitzgerald, Minister for Justice and Equality from the Fine Gael Party said this is a success for LGBT people both legally and socially as they fight for equal rights around the world.

"A very strong yes vote, and a great burden off the shoulders of the LGBT community in Ireland. No more secrecy, no more hiding, a resounding yes to equality for same sex marriage. It's a proud day for Ireland."

All major political parties in Ireland supported the constitutional amendment and the government plans to present draft legislation to lawmakers in the next few days.

For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian in London