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A middle-aged woman wearing a funereal black lace dress and large, incongruous sunglasses is ushered into the dimly lit office. She wants her name to remain secret so I will call her Mrs X, but she is happy to talk about her experiences as a client of the Weiqing Love Hospital, Shanghai’s best-known Mistress Dispeller service.


In a quiet, quavering voice she tells that me that her relationship with her husband has emerged from a crisis stronger than it was in the past. "I thought it was marriage before, but I see now something better, this is real living," she enthuses, though her eyes remain resolutely cast down.


What she’s describing is the many weeks of marriage counselling she has received, a lesson in positivity and how to be a better, more dutiful wife. Ming Li, a co-founder of Weiqing, counsels women like her (it’s overwhelmingly women who seek help) about the secrets of successful wedlock, and how to prevent a husband’s attentions from wandering. In many cases, though, it’s too late and his attentions have already wandered.


"When I discovered the affair, I confronted my husband," Mrs X says. "We fought bitterly and I kept on asking him, ’Why - why, when I have followed you so many years?’ At first he expressed guilt. But after all the fighting, he just didn’t want to talk to me any more. That’s when I sought help."


She opted to pay Weiqing to have the mistress "dispelled". In this case, that involved having operatives persuade the 24-year-old secretary that she could do better than hang around with a man twice her age. Despite costing thousands of dollars, Mrs X is convinced this was a better option than divorcing her cheating spouse.


"We’ve been through a lot together," she says. "I don’t want to give all this up. Separation has never been a concept I have ever thought about. And also I am approaching 50 years old, there’s just not a market out there for a woman like me."


Ming Li and co-founder, Shu Xin, have been running their Love Hospital for 17 years, seeing more than a million clients, they say. Both put on an effervescent display, keen to describe the joyful possibilities of their brand of marriage guidance, and also the secret weapon - mistress dispelling.
