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Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, says the UN is extremely pleased with China's contribution to international peacekeeping.

"We were very pleased to hear of the contributions that China has announced, notably to peacekeeping, to help peace keepers in Africa through the African Union, and its generous donation to the peace building and development fund. These donations are very much appreciated. China has already been a contributor to UN peace keeping missions. We think this adding contribution is very tremendous. We are extremely pleased."

In his speech, President Xi Jinping announced a one-billion-U.S. dollar "peace and development" fund to support the work of the United Nations over the next ten years.

Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says as a member of the UN Security Council, China pays high attention to the UN and the international order.


He also puts forward that the speech helps to make China's development strategy clear, which is of great significance.

"His speech has been very substantive and deeply influential to the whole world. As it is known to all, being a major power, China is developing so some countries are worried about how China's role in the future. Therefore I think his speech would have soundly impressed the small and middle powers across the world."

President Xi also announced a series of initiatives to support developing countries at a South-South cooperation roundtable co-hosted by China and the UN.

The move to support and promote South-South cooperation is hailed by Alexander Gusev, director of Russia's Institute for Strategic Planning.

"When we mention South-South cooperation, we have to see the great and positive role that China is playing in that. On one hand, China is our good neighbor. On the other hand, China can always make its great concepts come true. So what President Xi Jinping mentioned is very important for us."

President Xi is calling on countries worldwide to build a new model of international relations with the core of win-win cooperation, to create an international community of common destiny.

Former Brazilian Ambassador to the United States Rubens Barbosa says the call sends a positive message to the whole world.

"I think the speech on international cooperation expressed the call of duty to ease the regional tensions in the world, and send out the message to strengthen international cooperation with developing countries. I believe this is a are very positive message that China has sent to the world."

President Xi arrived in New York on Sept. 26 for a series of UN summits and conferences upon the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the world body.

This follows his first state visit to the United States.

For CRI, I'm Zhao Jianfu.