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Lagarde said the effort to transit the Chinese economy comes at a tough time, with declining oil prices and fluctuating global markets.

"You know, we clearly understand the multiple layered transitions through which the Chinese economy is going and will continue to go, if I am to read the various interviews that I have been given recently, and the conversation that I have had with Premier Li .And, those transitions are not going to be just a walk-in-the-park. There will be difficulties on the way, turbulences, and it will not necessarily be as--, as smooth as, as I said, as a walk-in-the-park."

The IMF chief stresses that China needs better policy communication with financial markets during its economic transition.

She praised recent clarifications about Chinese exchange rate policy by Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of China's central bank, as a good example of effective communications.


"So, what's critical is, number one, a good and solid communication. This is something I have said before and that I think is--, is being heard. I believe, in particular, that the interview by Governor Zhou, a few days ago was a good example of how communication can actually clear the uncertainties and the trepidation."

In a recent interview, Bank of China head Zhou Xiaochuan said there is no basis for the continued depreciation of the Chinese currency, and that "China would not let market sentiment be dominated by speculative forces."

According to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System, Zhou's comments helped ease the depreciation pressure on the yuan, with the currency rising about 0.84 percent against the U.S. dollar, capping the biggest weekly gain in almost a year.

Legarde says China needs to move forward with the major reforms it is planning.

She is confident that China will handle its economic structural reforms well.

"There are structural reforms, there are restructurings to be had in the Chinese economy, which the leaders know well about and are anticipating. You know, it's one of the largest economies in the world. And I think the sense of responsibility that I've always seen in the Chinese leadership should certainly make us understand that they themselves know what role they play in the global economy."

The IMF chief said she hoped China would move through its economic transition "at the right pace" for the sake of global financial stability.

Lagarde, the sole candidate nominated for the post of IMF chief, will officially start her second term on July 5.

The former French finance minister took over as the IMF head in 2011 following the resignation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn amid scandal.

For CRI this is Guo Yan.