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Statistics show that the annual trade of goods between the U.S. and China exceeded 590 billion US dollars last year.

Many business insiders see new growth opportunities in the enhanced China-US economic relationship.

David Goldin, founder and CEO of Capify, a small-business lender in the United States, says economic growth in China remains relatively strong compared to most other countries.

"The challenge is people were accustomed to China growing at double digit rates, and especially the majority of the S&P companies in the U.S. There's a lot of buyers in China that some of the S&P companies are selling to, and I think there is macro-economic concerns that even the U.S. companies are going to see slowdown based on less Chinese spending and less China growth."


The comment came after US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said that China's unclear policy over its currency was stoking turbulence in global markets and exacerbating global economic growth concerns.

Goldin says people shouldn't be surprised by what's happening with the Chinese economy, calling it a soft landing as officials in the country shift the economy from one that is export-driven to one that is consuming-driven.

"People don't want to face reality sometimes, and I think that people don't want to give up a good thing, especially the last seven plus years with the U.S. economy right after we had the global crisis. So I think the combination of the Fed raising rates, even though we knew it was coming for a long time, and the reaction that the markets had is really the first wake-up call now that economists and both consumers, businesses, and market traders now realizing wait a second, this really is happening."

The trade volume and the stock of two-way investment between China and the US have both increased rapidly.

Official figure shows that the two major economies have made huge contributions to global economic growth of 27.8 percent and 15 percent respectively.

Figures show that China will become the biggest importer in the world by 2022 and that US exports to China will exceed 530 billion US dollars, generating more than 3 million jobs.

It's expected that China-US economic ties will be further enhanced in the coming years.

For CRI, this is Guo Yan.