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The idea to house senior officials was first identified as a priority in a 2013 decision announced by the Communist Party of China.

Almost two and half years later, Wang Yukai, a professor of the Chinese Academy of Governance, finished a 3-month survey of the issue and says it's time for China to adopt an official residence system, "According to the survey, about 70 percent of over 500 respondents - most of whom are Party or government officials - agreed that the time is ripe to implement a system to house senior officials during their terms. Most of the respondents have high expectation to establish an official residence system. "

Under the system, the central government would provide housing for each senior official and his or her immediate family, and the residence would be reallocated to another official after the original occupant leaves office.


Although there has been some resistance from vested interests and senior leaders, Wang says a trial system providing housing for senior officials at the local government level has already been implemented in some regions and has made much progress. The pilot program is seen as a possible model for the wider introduction of the future official residence system.

In several instances before a trial housing provision system was implemented, officials bought several houses for much less than market price and then sold them for huge profits, tainting their offices with corruption and causing the loss of State property, as those houses were built by local governments.

It is a common practice in some Western countries that officials at certain levels live in a government-provided and maintained residence when they take office and move out after finishing their terms. Wang says China's official residence system will learn from Western countries and adapt ideas for use in China, "Based on China's national condition, the official residence system should regulate strictly what kind of officials could live in the official residence, and how to construct and manage such housing."

Wang says it's hard to predict when China's official residence system will be implemented, "The pilot program of local governments has provided practical experience for the establishment of the official residence system. I believe that by 2020, when China establishes the frame of its modern administrative system, the official residence system will be included in the new administrative system. "

Wang says the official residence system will play a very important role in curbing potential corruption within the government.