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Ms Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping and a well-known soprano, received an honorary doctorate from New York’s Juilliard School at the China Conservatory of Music in Beijing on Dec 6, according to the official website of the conservatory.


Juilliard President Joseph Polisi, who conferred the honorary degree to Ms Peng, delivered a speech at the ceremony, saying that it is not only a recognition of Ms Peng’s accomplishment as an outstanding artiste but also for her contribution to cultural exchanges between China and the United States.


Ms Peng, an alumna of the Chinese conservatory, said at the ceremony: "This is an honour not only for myself, but also for Chinese folk music. It exemplifies the increasingly closer cultural exchanges between China and the United States.


I hope the co-operation between art schools and organisations of the two countries will be deepened in the future.


A traditional Chinese music orchestra from the conservatory and a string quartet from the Juilliard School performed during the ceremony.


Ms Peng’s efforts of promoting communication between the Juilliard School and China date back two years, when she visited the school on Sept 28, 2015 while accompanying Mr Xi on his state visit to the US.


Peng worked with one of our students who sang a Chinese folk song in Chinese. She is a musician and a music educator. It was a magical and unique moment to have the first lady with us, Mr Polisi said in an earlier interview with China Daily.

“彭和我们的一个学生一起唱了一首中国民歌。她既是一位音乐家,也是一位音乐教育家。第一夫人和我们在一起的那一刻神奇而独特” 波利希在接受《中国日报》采访时表示。

During Ms Peng’s visit, Mr Polisi announced that the school will launch its first overseas campus in China, the Tianjin Juilliard School, scheduled to open September 2019.


The Tianjin Juilliard School will offer US-accredited full-time master’s degrees in orchestral performance, chamber music performance and collaborative piano. It will also offer part-time programmes for pre-college students, adult education and public performances.


In June, Mr Polisi was in Tianjin for the school’s groundbreaking ceremony in the Tianjin Binhai New Area.
