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More than half of women in the city don’t want to have a second child, mainly due to financial pressure, according to a survey by Shanghai Women’s Federation.


Of nearly 1,200 women over 18 interviewed, only about 8 percent said they had or planned to have a second child. In contrast, 56.4 percent said they were unwilling to have a second baby, while other 35.4 percent said they were still considering it.


Financial pressure was the main concern for 35.9 percent. Another 21.9 percent said they were afraid their physical condition wouldn’t allow them to have one more child.


Just over 13 percent said their houses were too small for two children, while 11.6 percent cited fierce competition for good schooling and 7 percent said they couldn’t find anyone to help take care of two children.


“I didn’t want one more child,” said 29-year-old Christine Pan, bank worker and mother of a 3-year-old girl. “It was exhausting to have even one baby. My mother helps to take care of my daughter from Monday to Friday because both my husband and I leave work so late.”


The survey also revealed that Shanghai offers a relatively fair workplace for women.


Nearly 74 percent said they hadn’t experienced gender discrimination. What mattered the most in workplace was educational background, followed by age.


When being asked about old age, 53.1 percent said they hoped to be cared for at home by their spouse and children. More than 34 percent said they were willing to stay at nursing home and other 31.8 percent said they could manage living alone. Only 12.7 percent said they would like to be cared for by the community.
