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The mayor of Venice has voiced outrage over the EUR 1,100 bill that four Japanese tourists say they had to pay for four steaks, a plate of fried fish, water and service.


The four students complained to police after getting the eye-watering bill at a restaurant near St Mark’s Square.


Three women with them chose another restaurant - but even they ended up paying EUR350 for three plates of seafood pasta, Italian media report.

三名女性与他们选择了另一家餐馆 - 但尽管如此,他们最终为三盘海鲜意大利面支付了350欧元,意大利媒体报道。

The mayor has vowed to get justice.


"We will thoroughly examine this episode, we’ll check to see if the complaint was made properly," Mayor Luigi Brugnaro tweeted.


"If this disgraceful episode is confirmed, we’ll do all we can to punish those responsible. We are for justice - always!"

“如果这个可耻的事情得到证实,我们将尽我们所能惩罚那些责任人,我们是正义的 - 永远都是!”

The four Japanese men complained to police on returning to Bologna, where they are students. Their case has been taken up by Marco Gasparinetti, spokesman for a Venice residents’ forum called "Gruppo 25 Aprile".

四名日本学生男子回到博洛尼亚向警方投诉。威尼斯居民论坛“Gruppo 25 Aprile”的发言人Marco Gasparinetti负责该案件。

Italian media did not name the restaurant, but said it was owned by a Chinese woman and run by an Egyptian.


According to Mr Gasparinetti, only 1.1% of restaurants in that part of Venice are owned by locals, and the figure is 50% in the historic centre as a whole.


He said Gruppo 25 Aprile would post advice for tourists this week on Facebook to help them avoid such a "mockery". There have been many cases of restaurants overcharging tourists in Venice, he said.

他表示Gruppo 25 Aprile会在脸书上为游客发布建议,帮助他们避免这种“嘲弄”。他说,在威尼斯有很多餐馆对游客收费过多。

"We defend local residents and whoever puts the good name of Venice at risk harms all Venetians," the group said in a tweet.
