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Traffic jams cost the average motorist more than 1,000 pounds a year, new figures show, as the UK was named the world’s 10th most congested country last year.


A typical motorist faced 1,168 pounds costs for sitting in queues, according to traffic information supplier Inrix.


This takes into account direct costs such as wasted fuel and time as well as indirect consequences including higher prices for household goods due to increased freighting fees being passed on to consumers.


The city or town with the worst jams was London, followed by Manchester, Birmingham, Luton and Edinburgh.


Overall, UK drivers wasted an average of 31 hours stuck in rush hour traffic last year.


London is Europe’s second most congested location after Moscow, with drivers spending an average of 74 hours in gridlock last year, up one hour on 2016.


Inrix chief economist Dr Graham Cookson said: "The cost of congestion is astonishing. The average figure for London is 2,430 pounds. That’s many times more than what it costs me to insure my car and the cost of the fuel I put in it.“

Inrix首席经济学家Graham Cookson博士表示:“交通拥堵所耗费的成本令人震惊。在伦敦,因为汽车拥堵而耗费的成本平均数达到2430英镑(约合人民币21324元),这比我一年的车险和加油费的总和还要多出好几倍。”

Dr Cookson called for innovative approaches to deal with the growing number of cars on the road.


He said: "Increased flexible working or road charges have potential, however transport authorities should be looking to exciting developments in data analytics and artificial intelligence which promise to reinvent our approach to traffic management."
