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CNN news 2007-05-27 加文本


cnn 2007-05-27

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

Good afternoon, from the cnn Center in Atlanta, I'm Cory Kessler. Here's a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

President Bush has his war funding. The president signed the 120-billion-dollar bill last night. About 100 billion of that goes to the efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the supplemental funding only runs to September. Democrats drop their insistence on troop withdrawal timetables instead .The bill includes so-called benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet.

This display of more than 3,400 pairs of combat boots in Chicago's Grant Park is designed to remind Americans of the human cost of the War in Iraq. A group called the American Friends Services Committee organized the Eyes Wide Open display. The 3,400 pairs of boots represent the U.S. troops who have died in Iraq. Civilian shoes representing a fraction of Iraqi casualties are also on display.

And Chicago is also playing host to one of the largest Memorial Day parades in the country. An estimated 25,000 people are expected to take part. Today's parade was preceded by a wreath-laying ceremony in Chicago's Daley Plaza.

Gas prices edge down a fraction after 12 days on a record high, but the 32 million Americans hitting the road this Memorial Day weekend probably won't even notice. According to the latest Trilby (Lundbery) Survey, the average price for a gallon of gas is $3.22 a gallon. That's down only about 0.2 cents. The drop will save you four cents on 20 gallons of gas, but it's the first decline in prices since May 9th.

The United Nations says a member of its peacekeeping force in Darfur was killed yesterday in his home. Officials say the gunmen broke into the home and shot the Egyptian officer. The death is the UN's first casualty since it began sending troops to Darfur. Investigators suspect the gunmen were burglars, but have not ruled out other motives.

It appears the party of Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern easily triumphed in elections this week. The ballot count from Thursday's vote continues to the weekend. Ahern's conservative Fianna Fail Party has already won 73 seats in the Irish Parliament. He'll need support from 83 lawmakers to form a majority government. His nearest rival captured only 41 seats. The win will keep Ahern in power through 2012.

And you are now up-to-date. For more on these stories and other news of the day, cnn is your source online, on TV, or when you are on the go. We appreciate you watching.


Memorial Day

hit the road