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CNN news 2007-07-26 加文本


cnn 2007-07-26

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

From the cnn Center here in Atlanta, I'm Veronica De La Cruz always nice to see you on this Wednesday. Here's a look at what's happening right NOW IN THE NEWS.

The TSA warning police across the country that terrorists may be performing dry runs for an attack inside the United States. The agency sent out an advisory following several incidents at US airports. The TSA says seemingly harmless objects showed up in passengers' baggage. In one incident, a cheese block was taped to a cellphone charger, making it look like a bomb. The TSA is downplaying the new advisory, saying there is no intelligence indicating a specific or credible threat in the United States.

Firefighters are at the scene of a natural gas explosion in Dallas. Two tanks filled up liquefied natural gas went up in flames this morning, sending smoke and a shower of debris onto nearby buildings. A half mile radius of downtown Dallas has been closed. Sections of two interstate highways were closed as firefighters battled to bring the fire under control.

Police have recovered the body of a South Korean hostage in Afghanistan, one of 23 abducted last week. Authorities are saying the man's body was covered with bullet holes. A Taliban spokesman claims the man was killed because he was sick and couldn't be taken to a hospital. The kidnappers have threatened to kill all the South Koreans if Afghanistan's government doesn't free some prisoners.

Sean Bell's fiancee is suing the New York Police Department for his death last November. Bell was shot more than 50 times just hours before his wedding. The civil suit names the NYPD and all five officers involved. A criminal case is pending against three of them.

And be sure to stick with cnn.com 24/7 for news from all around the world and of course, we'll have updates for you right here throughout the day.