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CNN news 2007-07-27 加文本


cnn 2007-07-27

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

Hello, I'm Melissa Long at the cnn Center here in Atlanta with a look at what's happening Now In The News.

Senate Democrats are calling for a special counsel to investigate Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Earlier this week, Gonzales testified that a White House meeting in 2004 was not about the domestic spying program. Democratic Senators say that contradicts a letter sent to the Judiciary Committee last year by former National Intelligence Director John Negroponte. The meeting involved 8 congressional leaders including 4 Democrats. The Justice Department says Gonzales stands by his testimony.

Word of possible punishments in the aftermath of Pat Tillman's friendly fire death in Afghanistan. cnn has learnt 9 officers will be reprimanded. One, retired 3-star general may be demoted. None will face criminal charges. They are accused of making critical errors in reporting Tillman's death. Although the Pentagon apparently knew early on Tillman was killed by his own troops, it wasn't made public for several weeks. Tillman turned down a lucrative football contract to join the Army after "9.11".

The tug-of-war over former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega may have turned in his favor. Today a federal judge in Miami said he has determined that Noriega is a prisoner of war. He scheduled to be released in September and French authorities want him extradited to stand trial there for money laundry. But Noriega's attorneys say under the Geneva Conventions, the prisoner of war must be returned to his own country after being released from prison. A hearing on France's extradition request is set to be in June.

There have been some dramatic river rescues in China. Here, police plucking 2 boys from raging waters. Officials say water levels have risen to critical levels along vast Chinese rivers. More than 500 people have been killed since the start of the summer floods.

First day of training camp is underway, but the Atlanta Falcons with one notable absence, the team's star quarterback Michael Vick who is reporting to a Virginia courtroom instead. He will appeal before a federal judge in Richmond, Virginia this afternoon. It is his first court hearing since he was indicted on charges from an interstate dogfighting investigation.

You are up-to-date on this Thursday afternoon, be sure to stick with cnn.com 24/7 for news from all around the world. And of course, we will have all the updates for you right here throughout the day.