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CNN news 2007-07-29 加文本


cnn 2007-07-29

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

How are you today? I'm Cory Kessler at the cnn center in Atlanta. Here's a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

Vice President Dick Cheney left a Washington hospital with a new defibrillator implanted in his chest. Cheney underwent surgery this morning to replace his heart monitor. He has a history of heart problems including four heart attacks and a quadruple bypass.

The No.2 U.S. commander in Iraq is expressing cautious optimism. Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno tells cnn a deliberate troop drawdown could begin in the spring if positive security trends in Iraq continue over the next year.

The National Transportation Safety Board has opened its investigation of the collision of two news helicopters that killed four people. The choppers ran into each other over a park in central Phoenix yesterday. The news crews were covering a police chase and reporting live when the accident happened. The victims include a pilot and news photographer from each of the two helicopters. No one on the ground was hurt. The Phoenix police chief suggested that the man officers were chasing could be held responsible in the deaths of the news crews.

More than two thousand people turned out in Connecticut today to remember a mother and two daughters killed in a brutal home invasion. Dr. William Petit Jr. was the lone survivor of the attack that killed his wife and children. He thanked everyone for their support and urged them to honor his family by spending time with their own families.

One of Michael Vick's codefendants is discussing a plea deal with federal prosecutors. The court schedule shows 34-year-old Tony Taylor has a plea agreement hearing Monday morning in a Richmond, Virginia court. The plea agreement could mean Taylor would get a lighter sentence in the case. It could also mean that he's agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors and testify against Vick. Vick, Taylor and two other men were arraigned Thursday on federal dogfighting charges in Virginia. cnn's calls to attorneys in the case have not yet been returned.

And you're now up to date. Those are the headlines this hour. For more on these stories and other news of the day, cnn is your source online, on TV or when you're on the go.