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CNN news 2007-08-25 加文本

cnn 2007-08-25

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I wanna get you some headlines right now , I am Veronica De La Cruz at the cnn center in Atlanta, here's a look at what's happening right NOW IN THE NEWS.

Michael Vick's lawyers have filed a plea agreement in federal court. The document says Vick will plead guilty to one federal count against him, conspiracy involving illegal dogfighting. It also says the government agrees to recommend sentencing as the low end of the applicable guideline range. Vick is scheduled to appear in federal court in Richmond, Virginia on Monday.

It took more than 40 years but a reputed former Ku Klux Klansman has just been sentenced for murder. We are hearing this from the Associated Press and our affiliates in Mississippi. James Ford Seale is getting three life terms for his role in the 1964 abduction and murder of two African American teenagers. Seale is 72 years old. His was convicted in June of kidnapping and conspiracy in the deaths of Charles Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee. Their bodies were found in the Mississippi River.

Well NASA's love triangle was playing out in an Orlando courtroom today. It's a pre-trial hearing for ex-astronaut Lisa Nowak. She is accused of attacking a romantic rival after driving across country from Houston to Orlando. Her attorney wants evidence against her and statements she made to police thrown out. He also wants her ankle bracelet monitor removed. Nowak's alleged victim urged the court to keep the device on.

A new book about Mother Teresa is providing details about her struggle through a crisis of faith. The book includes letters where the beloved Nobel peace prize winner questioned the existence of Heaven and God. Mother Teresa did not want those letters published and had asked for them to be destroyed after her death in 1997.

Happy birthday! It is a big day for the Big Mac. McDonald's signature sandwich is turning 40 years old today. The restaurant chain estimates that it sells more than 550 million Big Macs every year in the United States alone. The hamburger's high-profile success has also made it a prime target for critics of fast food.

And those are your headlines at this hour. You can always stay with cnn for more on any of these stories as well as other news of the day. Thanks.