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CNN news 2007-09-07 加文本


cnn 2007-09-07

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

From the cnn center in Atlanta, hello everyone, I'm Catherine Callaway. And here's a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

At least seven families have retained the services of a DC area law firm and are considering filing wrongful death suits against Virginia Tech. The families are related to the students who died in the April campus shootings at Virginia Tech. It left 33 people dead including the gunman. Many students say that the school failed to adequately notify them of the shooting spree when it began.

And we are now learning that last week's chemical scare at the United Nations office in New York was not so dangerous after all. New York's deputy police commissioner says that initial test show a vial that was found at the building actually contained a nontoxic commercial solvent. It was discovered in a box set on notice for more than a decade. Officials had thought it was a potentially deadly chemical used in Iraqi attacks against Kurds back in the 1980s.

Luciano Pavarotti has died of pancreatic cancer. For more than five decades, the Italian tenor thrilled audiences with his astonishing voice, larger-than-life personality. He is credited with almost single-handedly bringing opera to the masses. He died at his home in Modena, Italy surrounded by his family. He was 71 years old.

Eleven public officials in New Jersey were arrested this morning as part of a federal corruption investigation. A law enforcement official tells the Associated Press those arrested include a mayor and two state lawmakers. The arrests have to do with insurance contracts for local governments. Some of those arrested will make their first appearances in court this afternoon.

Fred Thompson starts his first official day of campaigning in Iowa. The actor and former senator from Tennessee announced his bid for the White House on the "Tonight Show". The Republican also posted an announcement on his campaign website.

Those are the headlines this hour. For more on these stories and other news, cnn is your source online, on television even when you are on the go.