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CNN news 2007-10-05 加文本

cnn 2007-10-05

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

Hello, I'm Melissa Long here at the cnn Center in Atlanta on this Thursday, October 4th with a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

A devastating plane crash in the Democratic Republic of Congo has left at least 30 people dead. A Russian-made plane crashed shortly after takeoff from a heavily-populated suburb of the capital Kinshasa. 22 people on board that plane died. So did 8 others on the ground. The Democratic Republic of Congo has a dismal aviation record for at least 24 plane crashes since last year.

State media reporting the head of Myanmar's military junta told a UN envoy last week that he will meet with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi if she drops her support of sanctions against Myanmar. State media are also saying that more than 2000 people were arrested and that nearly 700 have been released.

Today some California residents evacuated because of a landslide but they are being allowed to go back home. And the slide caused a section of a four-lane street to collapse. Officials say some homes are still too unstable to let people back in. But most of the 100-plus evacuees can return. The mayor of San Diego says the city has hired a forensic geology firm to investigate the cause of that landslide in La Jolla.

The Jacksonville, Florida area is drying out today. At one point yesterday, rain came down at the rate of 2 to 3 inches per hour in Jacksonville. Streets were flooded and schools were closed. No injuries or power outages were reported. But the stormy weather may not be over yet. More showers are expected today.

The last moment in the life of a princess. Juries in the UK coroners' inquest have taken a look at a hotel surveillance video showing Diana and her lover Dodi Al Fayed as they tried to avoid the paparazzi on their way into the car that fateful night in Paris.

And you are up-to-date. Those are the headlines for you at this hour on this Thursday for more on these stories or other news of the day, remember cnn is your source whether you are surfing the Web, watching television or on the go with your cellphone.