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Which of these insects belongs to the genus bombus?下列哪种昆虫属于熊蜂属?Beetle, butterfly, bumblebee, or bookworm?甲虫,蝴蝶,大黄蜂,还是书呆子?Times up, bumblebees, if you please, belong to the genus bombus.时间到了,答案是大黄蜂,请将其归为熊蜂属。Some folks may think bees just randomly fly around feeding on flowers, pushing around pollen, and then hang out in the hives making honey.有些人可能认为蜜蜂只是随意地飞来飞去,吃吃花朵,传播花粉,频繁出没蜂巢,酿造蜂蜜。Turns out these insects are organized, smart and coachable. 事实证明,这些蜜蜂聪明、有组织、可训练。A recent study shows that bees can be trained to solve puzzles, and other bees can study a demonstrator bee to then accurately solve the puzzle themselves.最近的一项研究表明,可以训练蜜蜂解决难题,其他蜜蜂可以向一只示范蜜蜂学习,以此来精准地解决难题。No wonder bees are able to divvy out responsibilities in hives with specific jobs and roles to strategically live their daily lives.难怪蜜蜂能够在蜂巢中分配特定岗位职责与角色职责,采取策略,过好每天的生活。Let's learn more now how for bees teamwork makes the dream work.现在让我们详细了解一下蜜蜂是如何通过团队合作实现梦想的。Check this out, these bumblebees learned how to solve a puzzle. Then they taught their friends how to do it. The prize sugar.来看看这个,这些大黄蜂学会了如何解决难题。随后这些大黄蜂会将解决方法教给蜜蜂伙伴。奖品是糖。Researchers studied bumblebee colonies to see if they developed social learning, also known as learned behavior.研究人员对大黄蜂群落进行了研究,想看看它们是否进行了社会学习,也就是学习行为。Scientists designed a two-option puzzle box that could be opened by pushing a red tab clockwise or a blue tab counterclockwise. 科学家们设计了一个有两个选项的谜题盒子,可以通过顺时针按红标或逆时针按蓝标来打开。One set of bees, called the demonstrator bees, were trained to use the blue or red tab. 一组蜜蜂为示范蜂,研究人员训练它们使用蓝标或红标。Other observer bees watched, and when it was their turn, most bees chose the same option they had observed from the trained bee. 其他蜜蜂则进行观察,当轮到它们时,大多数蜜蜂选择了它们从受训蜜蜂那里观察到的相同选择。One professor said our research shows, however, that new innovations can spread like social media memes through insect colonies, indicating that they can respond to wholly new environmental challenges much faster than by evolutionary changes. 一位教授表示,我们的研究表明,新方法可以像社交媒体模因一样通过蜜蜂群体传播,这表明蜜蜂可以应对全新的环境挑战,比进化改变要快得多。The researchers concluded that bees, like humans, are capable of culture by socially learning behavior.研究人员得出结论,蜜蜂与人类一样,有发展社会学习行为的文化。