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为保护海洋生物, 澳洲科学家打造“活海堤”


We're traveling to Sydney, Australia, where one organization called Living Seawalls is changing the way we think about building infrastructure in the ocean.我们将前往澳大利亚悉尼。一个当地名为“活海堤”的组织正在改变我们对海洋基础设施建设的看法。Experts are engineering sea walls to create critical habitats that are more hospitable to marine life that grows there. 专家们正在设计建造海堤,以创造更适宜海洋生物生长的重要栖息地。We're going to hear from marine experts who believe it's just as important to save the little creatures in the ocean as it is the big ones. 我们将听一听海洋专家的观点,他们认为拯救海洋中的小生物与拯救大生物一样重要。I started getting into marine science when I was in my twenties and was doing a lot of scuba diving. 我二十多岁的时候开始对海洋科学感兴趣,那时我经常会进行水肺潜水。I was really interested in the tiny critters that were living in the marine environment.我对生活在海洋环境中的小生物很感兴趣。There's a lot of attention with biodiversity and conservation around the large fish like the sharks and the whales. 人们对鲨鱼和鲸鱼等大型鱼类的生物多样性保护非常关注。But you have to remember that these organisms rely on smaller organisms in order to survive.但必须记住,这些大型生物依靠小型生物,以求生存。We really need to start at the bottom and build up a really strong base on which to build up this food web.我们真的需要从最底层着手,建立一个坚实的根基,再在这个基础上建立这个食物网。My name is Dr. Aria Lee and I'm the project manager for Living Seawalls. 我是艾瑞亚·李博士,是“活海堤”的项目经理。The problem in urbanized areas such as Sydney Harbor is that so much of the shoreline has been built over with artificial structures. 像悉尼港这样的城市化地区的问题是,人工建筑覆盖了太多的海岸线。Over 50% of the shoreline in Sydney Harbor has some sort of structure built upon it, whether it be a seawall, wharf or pontoon. 悉尼港超过50%的海岸线上都建有某种建筑物,无论是海堤、码头还是浮桥。And these artificial structures have taken away the sort of microhabitats like rock pools, crevices, tiny holes that you would see on a natural rocky shoreline. 这些人工建筑夺走了一些像潮汐池、裂缝、小洞这样的微栖地,你可以在天然岩石海岸线上看到这些。So what Living Seawalls is doing is bringing back these natural habitat features to an artificial structure such as a sea wall. “活海堤”所做的就是让这些自然栖息地的特征回归到海堤等人工建筑中去。We, as marine ecologists went out and identified features of a natural shoreline that are missing from a flat featureless sea wall. 我们海洋生态学家走出去,发现了自然海岸线的特征,这些特征是平坦无奇的海堤所缺少的。And we've translated that onto a Living Seawalls panel. 我们已经把自然海岸线的特征转换到了“活海堤”面板上。The panels are designed digitally and then a prototype is 3D printed. 这些面板先通过数字化设计,再用3D技术打印出一个原型。There are currently 14 Living Seawalls sites around Sydney and around the entire world.目前,悉尼以及世界各地共有14个“活海堤”点。We've installed over 1000 Living Seawalls habitat panels. 我们已经安装了超过1000个“活海堤”栖息地面板。We can certainly see the difference that the Living Seawalls panels make. 我们当然可以看到“活海堤”面板带来的变化。The textures can provide seaweed a really strong hold onto the surface. 这种结构可以让海藻牢牢地附着在面板表面。